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Ways to Become a Better Volleyball Player

Going to the top is always difficult, especially in sports like volleyball. A professional volleyball player, Vladimir Stefanov, shares his own experience of becoming a world-class player.

3 Volleyball Tips on How To Be a Better Volleyball Player - Volleyball Tips

Ways to Become a Better Volleyball Player. Personal Experience of Vladimir Stefanov

The first thing we’ve heard from our interlocutor today is that no one is perfect, especially in sports. Meet our guest – Vladimir Stefanov. He is a professional sportsman who is now playing for a leading Hong Kong volleyball team. We had a lot of questions, and Vladimir Stefanov gave answers to all of them. In this article, we’ve collected the advice that might be useful for people willing for improvement and their professional growth.

How to Be a Better Volleyball Player (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Drills Matter

When we’ve asked Vladimir Stefanow about his experience of becoming a professional volleyball player playing for Singapore and Hong Kong and other teams, he said: “In sports, there is always room for development. You can improve your skills of serving, setting, hitting, and other aspects that make your technique better and your efficacy in a game higher. Drills are the secret to success of every professional player and a way for any person to become a better volleyball player. I worked regularly on improving my skills, my physical shape, and my own character in a game. These allowed me to get where I’m now. Although I’m playing in the TOP-league, I do my drills daily because I understand that my success depends on my professional skills as a volleyball player.”

Use the Critics to Your Favor

“No one likes to be criticized.”, says Vladimir Stefanov, “However, it’s sometimes useful to listen to what you are doing wrong in order to work this through and get rid of the issue. When I used to play for a Singapore volleyball team, our coach always criticized us in training, but in championships, we showed awesome results. He used to say that his critics are like a crib for us. He shows us our problems, and our task is to cope with them and become better.”

The Change to Rally Scoring in Volleyball

Be Strong Mentally

Another question we asked Vladimir Stefanov was related to the psycho-emotional development of a volleyball player. Here’s what he answered: “I remember my first professional game in Singapore. I was terrified. I was afraid to let my new team down. You know what helped me? The team spirit. Someone might say these are all words, but it really helped me at that time. I knew my teammates are always there for me. Since that time, I began learning to concentrate on positive and putting my overwhelming emotions in the right direction and make them work in my favor.”

Final Word

Volleyball is a team game, and it’s crucial to remember that your teammates can not only drill with you or help you determine your mistakes in the game. These people are also ready to support you emotionally whenever you need it. Understanding this, you open your way for improvement and individual professional level growth. Becoming a better version of yourself can be a difficult task, but the game is definitely worth the candles.

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